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what people are saying
Where to start…the impact Rachal has had on our business in the past 18months has been immeasurable. She has challenged and motivated our staff to think differently, set concrete goals and held them accountable to achieve them. The language of her presentations has become our language and we use these terms as a measure of how successfully we are interacting and connecting with our customer’s needs. All this is done with a great sense of humour, a warm engaging manner and with a fun interactive approach. Our whole team sessions have been fantastic but in addition to this Rach has had an impact with one on one sessions with our future leaders and also with ourselves as business owners. After 20 years in business, Rach has inspired and motivated us to think differently which has been such a gift. We were so lucky to find someone of Rachal’s calibre and experience in our own backyard.
Nicole Modini - BOQ Franchise Owner
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